
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Absentee Husband

                                                                  T he Absentee Husband                                                            by                                       ...

Transportaion Centre for Downtown Kingston

The local officials have been mulling about a transportation centre for Downtown, Kingston. It might sound like heresy or blasphemy, but I believe that it should go in St William Grant park. I know that a lot of officials will be against that. We have to think of the safety of the commuters, drivers and conductors and the other JUTC workers. We remember when the transport hub was on Harbour Street what used to happen. Some people might even be afraid to go into the park, especially at nights. Parade simply cannot hold the buses. I believe that built properly, we can have a proper transportation centre in the park, that will only enhance what is already there. Please visit my Amazon pages by typing in Austin G Mitchell.

Wrong Directions by Austin Mitchell-An Excerpt

                                                    Wrong Directions (An Excerpt)                                                 a short story by                                                 Austin Mitchell          ...

On Becoming a Dedicated Writer

I might have to write at least thirty books before I meet any success. I am working as an accountant. When I come home in the evenings I harsly have time to do any writing. I sent a copy of my book' Uptown Lovers' to a local publisher but I have not heard back from them. I am currently working on three projects: Better days are Coming, The Worst is Over Now and The Downtown Massive. I am asking for support on my writing. Please visit my pages at Amazon.

Who wanted Dory Anthony Dead? by Austin Mitchell-An Excerpt

                Who wanted Dory Anthony Dead? by Austin Mitchell Chapter One          Dory Anthony was dead. The woman he was going to marry was dead. He had plans of getting engaged to her in June and then marry her a year later.              Dalton Ferguson sat looking into the Sergeant’s face.             “You said that you and the young woman were due to be engaged later on this year. So why did you bash her head in?”             Sergeant Bingham was quetioning Dalton in his duty office at the Duhaney Park police station.             “Don’t tell me. I know the answer. She spurned your proposal and you got angry. I know how you you...