
Showing posts from December, 2021


Backwood Lovers- Short Description Vin Lowe and Marsha Dodd were once lovers. Marsha was now seeing Nollis Binns. He has four baby mothers plus several girlfriends, all of whom want her to leave him. They feel that she is just after Nollis’ money and will soon return to Vin. Vin has a baby mother and several girlfriends. Rumor has always persisted that even when Vin was abroad studying, Marsha used to visit him. Now that they are back home the rumors are even stronger that something was going on between them and that they never really left each other. Even Nollis is beginning to believe them too. This is one of the eight novels I am currently writing. I wrote 5 books in 2021 and met with zero success. I have published about three chapters of each of the books on free e book net and a lot of readers have read these chapters but nobody is interested in buying any of the books,


Daytime Lovers - Short description Dalton Allen got his mother-in-law, Miss Betty July, pregnant. Overnight she disappeared from the community. It was the fastest a nursing assistant had ever been transferred from a rural parish to Kingston. Later Miss Betty had her son and was living with a man in Kingston. She told Dalton that she found this man shorty after she moved to Kingston, but the baby was registered in his name. She and Dalton were still carrying on a steamy affair. But is Miss Betty hiding something from Dalton? Daytime Lovers-the novel coming soon- One of the eight novels i'm writing. In 2021 I wrote 5 novels and got absolutely no sales. Hundreds of readers have read my books on free ebook. net and many other channels so why are readers scared about buying my books.