
Showing posts from January, 2017

Donald Trump again

It seems that newly elected president, Donald Trump is all over the place. There he was disputing the crowd at his inauguration as against the crowd at Obama's 2008 inauguration. He is also the investigate voter fraud by illegals which saw him get less votes than Hilary Clinton.

New Collection of Short Stories

I have a new collection of short stories. There are fifteen stories in all. I will list them all: The Money Vault Miss Della's Radio The Robber Gamblers The Fraudulent Contractor Three times a loser If you win big don't lose it The Absconding Boyfriend The False Bike Massenger The Night Burglar Simmo the politician The Marijuana Thief The Cheating Gamblers Children Traffickers A Dying Quest This collection of stories is named, Going into the Hills to Teach. It will soon be available on Create Space and Amazon.

My Publications

Many of my readers aren't aware of my publications. I'm setting out a list of them: Undercover Soldier                             Novel                                    Amazon & Create Space Uptown Lovers                                   Novel                                    Amazon & Create Space, Days up the River                     ...

Cuba and Fidel

My earliest recollections of Fidel Castro was that of a primary school student in the 1960s. We used to hear some very extraordinary stories about him. Then Mr. Hubert Thompson, my step grandfather, returned from Cuba to stay with us. He was almost penniless, having spent many years in Cuba. I am not now sure why he came home penniless. I know that he was dead set against the policies of Fidel. I also knew that another Jamaican who returned from Cuba, penniless like himself died in absolute poverty. Surprisingly Mass Hubert's daughter came to look for him every Sunday but when he went to live with them we never heard from him again. My grand-aunt also came to stay with us. She was en-route to the USA from Cuba. She had spent countless years in Cuba and would have lost her house on leaving that country had her grandson not been in the army.We also had some Cuban refugees staying in some of our school dormitories as the school had stopped offering boarding facilities. I don't rem...