Cuba and Fidel

My earliest recollections of Fidel Castro was that of a primary school student in the 1960s. We used to hear some very extraordinary stories about him. Then Mr. Hubert Thompson, my step grandfather, returned from Cuba to stay with us. He was almost penniless, having spent many years in Cuba. I am not now sure why he came home penniless. I know that he was dead set against the policies of Fidel. I also knew that another Jamaican who returned from Cuba, penniless like himself died in absolute poverty. Surprisingly Mass Hubert's daughter came to look for him every Sunday but when he went to live with them we never heard from him again. My grand-aunt also came to stay with us. She was en-route to the USA from Cuba. She had spent countless years in Cuba and would have lost her house on leaving that country had her grandson not been in the army.We also had some Cuban refugees staying in some of our school dormitories as the school had stopped offering boarding facilities. I don't remember the exact amount and because they spoke Spanish there was a language barrier. However we participated in boxing against them.


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