Term Limits

In the United States they have term limits, whereby the President cannot serve more than two consecutive four year terms. In Africa for example we have seen the constitution of several of these countries being changed to allow Presidents to serve additional terms in office. Sometimes the populace has objected and this has led to violence. The people of Bolivia recently rejected Evo Morales attempt to serve another term in office. I think there should be term limits for the Prime Minister. However I am not sure whether it should be two or three terms of five years each. A man could become Prime Minister at forty years, serve two five year terms and be out of office by age fifty. On the other hand an individual could serve as Prime Minister, be booted out of office in the next election, has to wait out the term of office of the party in government before getting back into office. I believe that an individual should only be allowed to serve two consecutive terms as Prime Minister. If  that person wants to be Prime Minister again they would have to wait for ten years. There are a lot of connotations to be looked at.


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