The Hurricane Season

So the 2016 Hurricane Season is upon us. The season begins on June 1st and ends on November 30th. In September 1988 we were hit by a devastating hurricane called Gilbert. This hurricane wreaked millions of dollars worth of damage on the country and led to the loss of several lives. On the morning after the hurricane I was walking down to Bayside in Portmore when a man told me that men were down there looting a supermarket. My parent's home in  the country was almost destroyed. Hundreds of houses lost their roofs. Many of us who had never experienced an hurricane before felt that we had had enough. A neighbor of mine in the rural areas was killed when his roof fell on him. I took two days off work but when we returned our boss quarreled with us about staff using the hurricane as an excuse not to turn up for work. I knew that that hurricane cost us a sizeable portion of our GDP that year. As I have mentioned people used the hurricane to loot other people's property. Another man told me that he saw a man stealing a refrigerator. Because I had a slab roof my house only suffered minimal damage from the water. We were out of water for a good while and also electricity. When we returned to work they were only selling corned beef sandwiches. We have had many storms after that but none as devastating as Gilbert.


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