Sports and the taking of Performance Enhancers

Some persons have said that we should just let sportsmen and women do as they please. If they want to take whatever drug to boost their performance that's their business. But if we allow these people to do as they please are we putting a burden on society. Some of these drugs are bound to damage their internal systems. People would boost up themselves perform, get paid but the whole
world would know that they are drug cheats. What about those who refuse to take these drugs or can't afford it?What would the sponsors do? I'm sure that they would withdraw support from those drug cheating athletes. Probably all of our international sports meetings would crash because of a lack of sponsorship. If I am a sports personality and I've been competing whether internationally or locally for sometime and I'm used to a regimen where my nutrition is concerned. I think it would be my responsibility to check with my doctors or nutritionist if if I'm going to add to or make any changes to my nutrition intake.


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