Additional Crime Fighting Measures

I think something radical has to be done to fight this upsurge in crime especially murders. The National Identity System is urgently needed. We need more cameras in all the major and minor towns in the country. The police need to improve the rate at which they catch these criminals. As I have said the police need to treat minor offenses as major as sometimes the criminals are the ones committing these offenses. It is now being said that the reason for the upsurge in crime in the West is because of the lottery scamming. I believe that we should have a system where all car are identified by the parish in which the owner lives. At the moment if you want to open an account at a bank you have to provide proof of address. They normally ask for your last utility bill. For persons in ownership of a vehicle at the present time this could be done by clipping the parish initials onto the old license plate. For persons purchasing new cars no problems as the initials of the parish could be inscribed on the license plate. I know that people are going to say that it will cost a lot of money but I believe that's how the USA does it. I know that persons are going to say that people will try to beat the system by giving wrong information on where they live but this should be a criminal offense since they would be misleading the authorities which amounts to public mischief. It might also make it easier to identify some of these cars, or bikes that are involved in crimes. People might be able to tell the police that a car  or bike with parish X license plates was involved in the crime. The police would therefore be able to narrow their search. People are going to say that Jamaica is a small place and we don't need all that. But it certainly seems a large place judging by the clear up rate for crimes.


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