The Infatuated Teenager

The Infatuated Teenager
Austin Mitchell
                I remembered an incident with my friend, Elroy Reddy and some girls. I think he was in love with a girl, Lela Lobban. Lela was probably around eighteen as she left high school a year ago and was going to a commercial school. At the time I think Elroy might have been about fifteen since he was about two years older than me. We were both students of Keswick Mountain High School. Elroy was living a quarter of a mile from Lela’s home. He would spend most of his spare time at her home talking to her.
            One of Lela’s friends, Greta had come to visit her that evening. Her mother begged Elroy to accompany both Lela and Greta back to the latter’s home a distance of a mile and a half. He saw me passing and asked me to go with them. The other girl, Greta, was in Grade Eleven. Both girls had on shorts and body hugging blouses. I couldn't help but stare at their beautiful bodies and long tapering legs. Both of their breasts were very firm.
           Lela’s mother warned her not to stay out too late. She told Greta that as on as she reached home she was to make sure Lela started back for her own home.
           I reluctantly decided to go. We had gone about a quarter of our distance when I saw two guys sitting on a retaining wall by the roadside. I knew immediately what was up. One of the guys, Russell, was Greta’s half- brother and was probably about two or three years older than her. The other guy, Mickey, was Lela’s neighbor and like her had just left school. I knew about their reputations with women.
                “Elroy, it’s all right, Russell and Mickey will walk me back home,” Lela said.
                “Your mother said that I should walk you and Greta to her home and then walk you back,” Elroy replied.
                The two guys hadn’t said anything nor had they moved off the wall.
                “Elroy, let’s go. As Lela said Russell and Mickey can come back with her after Greta reaches her home,” I told him.
                “I don’t need anybody to walk me home,” Greta said and walked away before stopping.
                I knew she was mocking me and Elroy.
                I turned and started walking back, expecting Elroy to follow me but he was still down there arguing with the two guys and the two girls. The two guys were now apparently trying to get him to go back. As I went up the road I kept looking back but there was no sign of Elroy.
                When I reached Lula’s mother’s home I dodged past so that she wouldn’t see me.
                I think that Elroy was being stupid. He was older than me and should know that both girls were sexually active.
                I saw Mickey the next day and he said some things about Elroy that were not worth repeating. Almost the same words came from Russell a few days later.
                I told Elroy some of what the two guys said about him but he seemed unconcerned. He didn't of course say what the two girls had said to him after I left. But I heard from other persons who had come on the scene after I left, that they had cursed him off rather disgracefully.
                He said that he was only protecting Lela and I laughed. I told him that Lela was older than he and women wanted experienced men. I asked him if he thought he stood a chance with her. I asked him if he hadn’t heard the rumors about Greta and Lula. I told him that he should have left the girls to do as they pleased. Of course he disagreed with me because he was still infatuated with Lela. The End.


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