Inconsistent Newscasts & Stories

The reason for writing this piece is because of the inconsistencies in news stories. The other day two newspapers had pictures of a wedding. One newspaper identified a lady as the bride's mother while another identified her as the bride's aunt. At the same wedding a gentleman was identified as the groom's father in one newspaper but in another as the groom's uncle. Neither newspaper did a correction. Sometimes one radio station will carry a story of an incident and sometimes another radio station will carry a completely different story about the same incident. I think that maybe what should happen is that all the radio and television stations should come together along with the newspapers and form a News bureau to feed them with news. It is very bad hearing the news on one radio station that three people were killed in a shootout but hearing on another station that they were in fact shot and injured. While you are happy that the people shot aren't  dead you aren't sure what to believe.


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