ZikV Clean-up

I am not sure that the amount of  one million Jamaican dollars to be given to each  of the sixty-three (63) Member of Parliament to help with the ZikV clean up is adequate. I understand that they will also be able to use some of the money from their Constituency Development Fund (C.D.F). I think a lot of things need to be done. For example I live in Portmore and we have a lot of drains over here. When it rains there are several places where the water settles and doesn't run off until several days later. Many of the drains and gullies are full of stagnant water. I understand that they had put in fishes in some of these drains and gullies to eat the mosquitoes but I am not sure how that is working. Also Jamaica is a country with a lot of springs. Most parcels of land in the country areas has what is known as a gully and running in those gully is a small spring. Sometimes it runs into a swamp where the water is hardly running off. I think we need to do a lot of bushing and to put more mosquito eating fish in these swamps and gullies.


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