Muhammed Ali

I'd like to pay tribute to Muhammed Ali. He was truly the greatest boxer who ever lived. We remember how he stood up against the Vietnam War by refusing to be drafted. He went to prison for it. We remembered his fights against Joe Frazer and George Foreman. We remember how he beat George Foreman in Zaire to regain the heavyweight title. I remembered when my father came home after watching the fight and said 'Ali beat the boy.' He was of course referring to George Foreman. I was in primary school when he fought Sony Liston. I had this friend and he stated that Liston said that Clay(Muhammed Ali) had used science to beat him. He told us that Liston said that he saw another man in the ring, fighting him. Of course my friend believed in such things. I thought that Liston was fooled by Ali's speed. It was sad to see him fighting after his prime and being beaten by lesser fighters.


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