
Showing posts from June, 2018


SCENE TWO (It is about 3:30 in the morning in Happy Valley on a fifteen acre farm. A man is snoring in a little out room. It is the farm of Rapley Rowe) A middle aged woman knocks on the door of the out room) (Beville groans sleepily but opens the door.) MISS MILDRED: Mister Beville, wake up, your taxi will soon be here. BEVILLE: Yes, Miss Mildred. (Gets up out of the bed in his pyjamas) (Beville goes into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth) MISS MILDRED: I will wait out here until you’re finished, Mister Beville. You have your ticket that we   bought for you and the pocket money that you saved while working for my brother, Rapley? (Beville comes out of the bathroom and goes to his room) BEVILLE: Miss Mildred, I have to thank you because it was you, who begged Rapley to hire me. Everybody thinks I’m crazy after I threw away my money and lost my house. I have to thank Rapley for the three months that he let me work for him. MISS MILDRED: Mister Be...

Books not Selling

My books are on Amazon, payhip and draft2digital. They are also on But they are just not selling. Maybe readers aren't interested in short stories, plays or poetry. I've tried to write as humorously as possible. Readers still aren't showing any interest in my writing. I know that I'm not a trained writer. As a matter of fact I'm an accountant who's trying his hand at writing. I get a lot of relaxation from writing so I'm not going to give it up. I've never thought that I'm going to make money by writing books. It's only when you write books and readers pass them by you wonder what kind of writer you are.

My Books on the Internet

My books on the internet: Undercover Soldier(novel) Uptown Lovers(novel) Waiting to Cross the Bridge** Going to the Bushes to cut Firewood** Taking a Short Cut Home** Days up the River** The Fire by the Wayside** Riding the milk truck to School** Making grass mats to Sell** Going into the Hills to Teach** I’m Back from the Hills Now** Life at 21 Lane(play) The Freeloaders(play) Glengoffe Days*** ** Collection of short stories *** Collection of Poems (novel) All these books are available on Amazon or The following books are only available on Days up the River The Fire by the Wayside Riding the milk truck to School Making grass mats to Sell

The 2018 Football World Cup

Judging by the amount of flags I see being driven around on vehicles I would say that most Jamaicans support Brazil. There is also strong support for Argentina and Germany. There is moderate support for England, Portugal, Spain and France. I believe that Belgium is a threat and could become the smallest country to win the World Cup. Right now my bet is that France will win it with England a close second. I don't believe that Brazil or Argentina will win. If they progress to the second round they are likely to face purely European opponents. In this world cup they have not been handling the European opponents that well. They have been marking them tightly and hitting them on the breaks as we saw Croatia do.

The Freeloaders by Austin Mitchell-Scene One

THE FREELOADERS A One Act Play by Austin Mitchell                                                             CAST OF CHARACTERS : MAIN CHARACTERS: MAISIE: Forty five year old bar operator WILDEN: Sixty five year old retired man COOCH: Sixty four year old retired man JOHN TOM: Fifty nine year old returning resident COUNCILLOR RAYMOND: Forty six year old parish councillor, later Member of Parliament CORPORAL JOHNSON: Thirty three year old policeman SUPPORTING CHARACTERS: WILFRED: MAISIE’S husband and businessman FREDDIE: Thirty four year old taxi operator BEVILLE: Forty four year old lottery winner RAPLEY: Forty three year old farmer STOKELY: Forty six year ol...

LIFE AT 21 LANE (SCENE ONE) A play by Austin Mitchell

LIFE AT 21 LANE Austin Mitchell               TABLE OF CONTENTS LIFE AT 21 LANE Austin Mitchell   SCENE ONE SCENE TWO SCENE FOUR SCENE FIVE SCENE SIX FOOTNOTES: This play is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons living or dead are entirely coincidental.   ISBN-13:978-1978369276 ISBN-10:1978369271 For my late brother: Carlton Constantine Mitchell (Desmond) CAST OF CHARACTERS: MAIN CHARACTERS : DARLENE: Twenty two year old basic school teacher PRISCILLA: Twenty five year old business woman WELLER: Fifteen year old schoolboy, reputed gunman BANJO: Fifty three year old jack of all trades TINY: Thirty year old barmaid GWEN: Forty five year old business woman SUPPORTING CHARACTERS: JUICY BARN...