SCENE TWO (It is about 3:30 in the morning in Happy Valley on a fifteen acre farm. A man is snoring in a little out room. It is the farm of Rapley Rowe) A middle aged woman knocks on the door of the out room) (Beville groans sleepily but opens the door.) MISS MILDRED: Mister Beville, wake up, your taxi will soon be here. BEVILLE: Yes, Miss Mildred. (Gets up out of the bed in his pyjamas) (Beville goes into the bathroom to wash his face and brush his teeth) MISS MILDRED: I will wait out here until you’re finished, Mister Beville. You have your ticket that we bought for you and the pocket money that you saved while working for my brother, Rapley? (Beville comes out of the bathroom and goes to his room) BEVILLE: Miss Mildred, I have to thank you because it was you, who begged Rapley to hire me. Everybody thinks I’m crazy after I threw away my money and lost my house. I have to thank Rapley for the three months that he let me work for him. MISS MILDRED: Mister Be...