The Ballers

When Dave Martin and Alton Brooks came to Keswick Mountain High School both boys were going on fifteen years of age. They were put in Grade Eight. We subsequently learned that they had been kicked from so many schools it wasn't funny. It was the first term of school and the football season was on. They soon became instant football stars. Most of us didn't see why they were picked for the senior team. True, their last school was a very large one and a football powerhouse but we still felt that they should have proven themselves before being picked. Our school had dropped out all football competitions but we still played a few games against nearby schools and those looking practice games. I personally wasn't impressed with them after their first outing after we were beaten 5-0 by a nearby school. Both boys were also involved in a bitter fight over a girl, Jacinth Reid. Sad to say neither boy made it past Grade Eight. I don't know what happened at their next school.


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