My Books on the Internetn-A Revisit

These are my books on the internet: Uptown Lovers(novel) Undercover Soldier(novel) Bring back the Good Old Days(collection of short stories) Taking a Shortcut Home(collection of short stories) Going to the Bushes to cut Firewood(collection of short stories) Waiting to Cross the Bridge(collection of short stories) Going into the Hills to Teach(collection of short stories) Life at 21 Lane(play) The Freeloaders(play) Glengoffe Days(collection of poems) Days up the River(collection of short stories) Making grass Mats to Sell(collection of short stories) Riding the Milk truck to School(collection of short stories) The Fire by the Wayside(collection of short stories) Most of these works are on Amazon, Amazon Kindle, Create Space,, payhip and many more sites. If you want to find my books just type Austin G Mitchell in the search engine. Thanks for buying my book.


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