No tears for Sonya-Excerpt

No Tears for Sonya by Austin Mitchell Sonya Brown was getting ready to go out with her boyfriend, Mickey Reece when her cell phone rang. Her boss, Chester Guthrie, was on the line. They talked for two minutes before he ended the call. “Who was that?” Mickey asked. “Chester, he wants me to come to the office tomorrow at ten o’clock. He says it’s an emergency.” “That fool, what does he want that can’t wait until Monday?” “You’re still bitter at him for firing you after that detective told him about you and Rosita.” “That guy was lying.” “Why did you have to go out with her when you know that she was Chester’s woman?” “She begged me to go with her for a drink. We never went to any hotel.” “I still want to know why you did it? I was calling you while you were with her and only getting your mailbox.” “That was six months ago and we’ve gone over it many times before. We don’t know why Chester wants you down at the store tomorrow.” “Maybe he’s doing some stock taking but I worked until three o’clock today and he didn’t say anything to me.” “You think he could have found out.” Sonya bit her lips. “About what?” “The apartment and the taxi fleet you have on the road.” “I don’t think it’s that. He can’t prove that I’ve ever stolen anything from any of his hardware stores.” “Still want to go out again?” “No, I’m sorry. I want to know what he has up his sleeves.” “I told you to leave from two years ago but you wouldn’t listen.” “Leave and go where. I told you that if I resigned he would get suspicious. I’ve been with him, since leaving high school almost twelve years now.” Mickey patted the gun in his waist, hidden by his sports shirt. Sonya also carried a gun in her handbag. She had been careful not to let any of the staffers know about it. “Want me to get Carlos to bump him off. We made him take care of Judy she got too nosy.” Judy Binns had been Chester’s secretary and she had began to ask questions. One day she saw Sonya writing receipts for customers in an irregular receipt book. She had threatened to go to Chester. Sonya had wanted to do the killing, herself, but Mickey had deferred to Carlos. God, she hated Judy. It was like Chester had set her to watch her. Sometimesb she would come into her office unannounced. She had shot and killed a burglar at her apartment, five years ago. At least that was what she told the police when she wanted to get rid of Milton West. She had actually paid to make it look like a burglary. “We don’t know what he’s up to. I think we should wait.” “What if that detective is spying on us and reporting to Chester?” “What could he report? The money from the apartment is sent straight to my bank account and remember that you manage my taxis.” “Suppose he finds out about us?” “He doesn’t know that I’ve stopped seeing Delton.” “I’m tired of this kind of life. We have to be hiding just because of one man. My son doesn’t have my surname because of him.” “You’ve just got to be patient. Things will work themselves out.” “It’s like all his employees are slaves. He doesn’t trust any of them. That’s why he fast into their life so much. I’m glad I’m no longer working for him.” Sonya came and hugged up Mickey. She could feel his frustration. Maybe after tomorrow she would know what to do about Chester. “Let’s go down to Rick’s bar and have a few drinks. It might make you feel better.” “Okay but I just feel like going with you tomorrow and let him know about us.” “I’ll lock up the house and we can go.” That morning Sonya left for her work place at nine o’clock. Being a Sunday there was hardly any traffic on the road. As she drove down she thought to call Mickey. He had dropped her home before leaving for his flat. As she neared the entrance to the store she was shocked to see yellow tape and policemen. A crowd had gathered. She stopped her car on the other side of the road. She saw a security guard and called to him. “Just as I come on duty Miss, as Missa Chester drive up me hear the shot them. By the time me turn round the car shot round the corner and gone.” The guard left and went to stand with a group of people. Sonya took out her cell phone and called Mickey but all she got was his voicemail. She decided to wait around and see what was happening. She got on her cellphone to other staffers and told them about what had happened. Within a half an hour most of the staff members were there including Winston’s wife, Delta and other family members. Everybody left after the police finished what they were doing. Sonya returned home and tried to call Mickey but all she got was his voice mail. She wondered if she had mislaid her gun but she searched all the places she would have put it but to no avail. Her cell phone was ringing. She picked it up and pressed the call button. It was Kirk Palmer one of Mickey’s friend. 'No Tears for Sonya' is an excerpt from Days in Long Hill, a collection of short stories to be published later this year. If you enjoyed this excerpt why not hop over to my pages at Amazon.


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