The Year 2019 for Austin's Books

The Year 2019 was not a very good year for me as far as my writing was concerned. I haven't made much money. I published three titles during the year. They were: Better Days are Coming, Sharpening up your Reading and Comprehension Skills and Jamaican Abbreviations plus Some International Ones. 
Better days are Coming was a collection of short stories that i thought would have done well on Amazon. Some of the stories  were downloaded several times on free e book net as follows:
No Tears for Sonya 364
The Absentee Husband 78
Delaine's Dilemma 25
Who Wanted Dory Anthony Dead? 57
Bad Man's Woman  84
This was from July 2019.

Sharpening up Your Reading and Comprehension Skills- available on Amazon,
Jamaican Abbreviations plus Some International Ones-available on payhip. This a useful book to have


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