A Mix up With names

Most times in the rural areas people went by their nicknames. It was hard to find a man, woman, boy or girl who didn't have a nickname. Some persons liked their nicknames, others detested it. Calling a person by their nicknames could sometimes break out into a fight. However sometimes we had to use ingenious means to distinguish between persons. There were two Ambroses, little Ambrose and big Ambrose. There were two Louise, white Loiuse and black Louise. There were so many Georges that we use both their christian and surnames. There seemed to have been an over supply of Ambroses thus we also had white Ambrose and black Ambrose. These names were only used to identify the individuals. We had Bigger, Roughy, Redman, Brownman, Shortie, Shortman, Son, Son-Son, Papa Son, Dada, One Son, Whitey, Blacks, Blacka. You only had to look some way and a name would be pinned on to you. Other names coming to mind are Mass Papa, Miss Mamma, Big Boy, Little Man, Wingy, Miss Daughter, Pretty, Tall Man, Longers, Drop Short, Oney, Lefty and the list goes on. One Brandy was an ambulance drive who drank only one drink of brandy for the day.


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