My Books on the internet are:

Bring Back the Good Old Days**
Better Days are Coming**
Taking a Shortcut Home**
Going into the Hills to Teach**
I'm Back from the Hills Now**
Undercover Soldier(Novel)
Uptown Lovers(Novel)
Going to the Bushes to Cut Firewood**
Life at 21 Lane(play)
The Freeloaders(play)
 Sharpening up your Reading and Comprehension Skills
Jamaican Abbreviations and Some International Ones Too
Glengoffe Days(Collection of Poems)
The Downtown Massive-Book One(novel) coming soon

** Collection of Short Stories

Why not read one of my books, today. Some of them are doing very well on Free e-book net. My books are on Amazon, payhip and a host of other sites.


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