Why I wrote the Downtown Massive

This is an interview I did with my friend Witty Brown. WB: Why did you write The Downtown Massive? AM: At the time I conceptualized the book there was a lot of literature coming out of England about the Yardies and about the massive. I just decided that I would write this book and the best place to start out was with some of our own massive. Downtown, Kingston seemed like the best place to start. WB: Why Downtown, Kingston? Why not Spanish Town or May Pen or even Montego Bay? AM: I know Kingston more than those other parish capitals plus it has more notoriety. WB: You put in a rider, that events in the book were not to be taken as having any connections with evens past and present that has happened in that space. Why did you put in that rider? AM: The book is purely fiction. Everybody knows about what has happened in that space. This book has nothing to do with those events. It is purely fiction. WB: People have their hang ups about Downtown, Kingston. Why write a book about somewhere about which there is so much negativity. AM: As I've mentioned before I love writing, I wouldn't have missed this opportunity to write this book. WB: Of the three novels you've written so far, which would you rate as your best effort. AM: Undercover Soldier is definitely the post popular but I rate Uptown Lovers as my best effort. If Uptown Lovers and the Downtown Massive got professional formatting, book cover, proof read and edited they have the potential to sell thousands of books. WB : What are your upcoming project? AM: I have a short story collection plus two short novels. I might write the sequel to The Downtown Massive. WB: Have you ever thought of seeking help? For example you said that your books need polishing, clearly you don't have the finances to do it. AM : That's true but frankly I don't know where to turn for help.


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