Downloading my Works

I know for sure that my works have been downloaded countless times. I have works on free ebook net. No Tears for Sonya 449 downloads, The Downtown Massive 118 **Bad Mans Woman 148 **,The Serial Burglar 47 **, The Absentee Husband 98, Life at 22 Lane(Play)322 **,Who wanted Dory Anthony Dead? 67, Uptown Lovers Book Two 311, Undercover Soldier Part Two 322, Better Days are Coming(collection of short stories 317, Undercover Soldier Part One-1018, Uptown Lovers Book One-342 **,These stories can be found in Better Days are Coming Readers can get these stories on Amazon. I will be republishing most of my stories. I have republished Uptown Lovers-Book One and Undercover Soldier Part One. Both are paperbacks but I will shorty be publishing them in Kindle format.


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