Interview re : The Worst is Over Now- Interviewer- Witty Brown-Author/Interviewee-Austin Mitchell

WB: Why did yoy decide to write The Worst is Over AM: I had decided not to write any more short story collections, but to only concentrate on novels WB: Some of the stories in this collection are very interesting AM:Yes, there are some very interesting stories in the collection WB: Have you made any sales so far? AM: No, and I doubt if I'll sell a single book WB: Why are you so pessimistic? AM: Because I feel so frustrated. I am not earning anything from writing. I have written more than 80 short stories. Frankly I don't think anybody cares whether we succeed or fail. WB: So do youn think you could make a living from writing? AM: I don't know if anybody is ding that. For me personally creative writing is a hobby. WB; How many stories are in this collection? AM: There are twelve stories. I put in a small story to bring up the required number of pages as per Amazon's stipulation


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