I am seeking clients to work for them or I am seeking work in a small audit firm to do contract work. I can be contacted at 876-5680692(c) or 876-9984033(H), I have over thirty years accouting and auditing experience. Below is my resume:
Lot 359 Westmeade, Bridgeport P.O.
Portmore, St. Catherine,
Jamaica, W. I.
Tel. #: (876) 568-0692(cell); (876) 998-4033 (home)
OBJECTIVE: To continue to use my financial and accounting skills to enhance the growth of any organization of which I am a part or gainfully employed.
PROFESSIONAL PROFILE: Highly organized and dedicated with a positive attitude. Ability to successfully manage and complete an assignment within the time allotted. Thoroughly committed to professionalism and confidentiality.
& SUPERVISION : Led and supervised professional, accounting, administrative and clerical staff; managed human and financial resources; interviewed and assessed staff; participated in board meetings; reviewed loan applications and approved loans.
& FINANCE: Executed both external and internal financial audits; developed and executed plans and budgets; prepared monthly and annual financial statements; prepared monthly and fortnightly payroll; prepared and filed statutory returns; maintained a fixed assets register; prepared accounts for monthly board meetings and annual audits; placed investments; reviewed bank reconcilations; maintained general and subsidiary ledgers. Prepared budgets for USAID/OFDA & European Union (EU) Funded Projects.Worked in several currencies, namely United States Dollars(USD) Sterling (GBP) and the Euro.
TECHNOLOGY: Computerized company’s payroll; reported on daily cash balance; computerized loan processing and reporting; computerized company’s general ledger; wrote Management letters on weaknesses in the client’s system of internal control. In May 2014 I attended a one week Financial Management training course in Bogota, Colombia. Had to access and send several emails on a daily basis.Had to communicate with managers abroad by use of Skype.
Procurement: Procurement of various goods and services, including desks, printers and stationery. Helped with the relocation of HelpAge from its former location at 11 ½ Swallowfield Road to 3 Stanton Terrace. Assisted in the procurement of 25 Closed User Group (CUG) phones from Lime (Cable & Wireless). I also assisted the Finance and Administrative Officer in preparing her audit files, checking invoices and purchase orders and writing cheques among other things. Also assisted in relocation from 3 Stanton Terrace to 123 Constant Spring Road.
May 2017- Present-Accountant/Audit Supervisor-Nairne & Partners-Chartered Accountants
22 Regal Plaza, Kingston 5
April 1,2014 – November 30,2015: HelpAge International(CRDC) Position: Manager of Finance & Administration
July 16, 2013: March 31,2014: HelpAge International (CRDC) Position: Project Accountant/Admin Assistant
1994-2012 Cope Foundation Ltd(MICRO FINANCE COMPANY) & Cope Development Trust Fund
Position: Manager of Finance & Administration
1992-1994-Cope Foundation Limited(MICRO FINANCE COMPANY) & Cope Development Trust Fund
Position: Accountant
1988-1992 Ernest & Young (Now BDO), Chartered Accountants
Position: Senior Accountant
1987-1988-General Accident Insurance Company Limited
Position: Systems Accountant
1985-1987-National Development Bank of Jamaica Ltd.(Now Development Bank Of Jamaica Limited Ltd.)
Position: Accountant
1983-1985 National Development Bank of Jamaica Ltd. (Now Development Bank of Jamaica Ltd.)
Position: Assistant Accountant
1981- 1983 KPMG Peat Marwick, Chartered Accountants
Position: Senior Assistant Accountant
1980-1981 KPMG Peat Marwick, Chartered Accountants
Position: Junior Assistant Accountant
2011 Admitted to Fellowship of the Institute of Charted Accounts of Jamaica- FCA
2011 Admitted to Fellowship of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants – FCCA
2005 Became a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica- ACA
2005 Became a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants- ACCA
2003 Completed the diploma (Final Stage) of the Association of Chartered Certified Accounts
1966- 1971 St. Mary’s College
Passed six subjects at the general certification of education (GCE) ordinary level
Computing Skills
1) Certified in the use of “Quick Books” and “Peach Tree”
2) Developed competency in the use of two loan management systems
3) Developed competency in the use of one payroll system
4) Developed competency in the use of Microsoft Word, Excel and Publisher
Institute of Management and Production
1986- 3 months Supervisory Management Course
The Jamaican Institute of Management
1995 3 months Introduction to Personnel Management
Desjardines International Development
2011- 1 week Strategic Management Seminar
Writing short stories,plays, novels
1) Mr. Horace Bennett
Former Executive Director
Cope Foundation Ltd.
Tel. #: (876) 832-7345(Lime)
(876) 507-6073(Digicel)
2) Mr. Errol Gregory
Cope Foundation Ltd.
Tel. #: (876) 821-4784
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