
Showing posts from June, 2022


Here are some more of my short stories plus the number of words in the story: The Iniquity Workers 3253, The Magic Marble 1162, The Marijuana Thief 1572, The Millionaire Returns 1109, The Money Vault 4149, The Mother River 891, The Night Burglar 1236, The Pablo Morris Story 1549, The Robber Gamblers 1027, The Running Away Man 2120, The Story of Dally Grey 3559, The Story of Dixie Jonas 4268, The Trouble with the Mc Farlanes 3835, The Young Shoplifters 1 - 3313, The Young Shoplifters 2 - 3046, Three Times a Loser 1043, Undercover Soldier-Chater One 5716, These stories can be read free of cost on payhip, free e book net and other medium.


My Short Stories- Number of Words- A Case of Mistaken Identity 506, A Disappearing Desroy 937, A Surprise Love 1066, A Suspicious Death 352, Bad Man's Woman 3256, Baxter's Folly 2852, Bubble's Baby 2215. Children Traffickers 977, Christmas Love 2876, Delaine's Dilemma 5516, Dougal's Luck 2899, Examination Blues 1021, False Papers 3108, I Attended a Dead Man's Wedding 1618, If You Win Big Don't Lose It 1880, Instant Cash 1475, Jack Deland's Disappearance 879, Mid-Town Lovers 8696, Miss Della's Radio 1321, Never Tired 1356, No Tears for Sonya 9188, Who wanted Dory Anthony Dead?4737, One Good Turn Deserves Another 968, Run, Freddie, Run 1086, Simmo, the Politician 894, Son Tai's Murder 2705, Spoils from the Hurricane 3501, The Absconding Boyfriend 1362, The Absentee Husband 5259, The Big Drop 1761, The Big Find 3313, The Big Steal 2745, The Body in the River 1948, The Boy Who ate the Ghost Bird 327...


Shadow-Age 63-1970s-1990s bad man and known hit man. Became area lader after Phantom's untimely death. Has numerous children. Was hauled befoe the courts on numerous occasion but was freed om each occasion when witnesses failed to how show up. Was involved with Cassius in a turf war that led to several deaths. He became top Don when Cassius was brutally murdered by unknown assailants in 1999.


I have written five(5) new novels. They can be found on: Amazon, Pay Hip and Lulu among others. They are: No Tears for Sonya, The Money Found in the Canvass Bag, The Hardest Way Out of Love, Sleeping Love, Hot Nights in the Hills. I'm also in the process of completing eight (8) books. They are: Daytime Lovers, Cheating Lovers,The Night Lovers,Backwood Lovers,Sleepless Nights in the Hills,The Marge Vincent Story, The Zenya Bernard Story and Games Lovers Play. In addition I have written about three other novels plus several short stories.

The Down Town Massive- Some Biographies

Errol Douse- Age 32-Height 5'5", slim build, bearded. Born in Lester district, Westmoreland. Came to Kingston and started driving for a man called Stafford. Stafford was shot and killed by gunmen two years later. His wife accused Douse of robbing him and took away the taxi and gave her brother to drive. Douse stayed around, getting short driving stints then went and joined Cassius's forces in his war with Shadow. When Cassius was shot and killed by unknown assailants, he went to May Pen. He was working in a shop. Hortense saw him down there. She knew him when she used to take his taxi when her car was in the garage. She invited him to come to Kingston to drive one of her taxis. They soon became lovers. Hortense had another lover, Shorty Paul. Douse soon gave up driving for her in order to avoid war with Shorty Paul. He went to drive for his friend, Albert. Shorty Paul accused him of robbing Hortense and came after him with a knife and Douse slashed him up. Bobby Deacon-Age...