The Down Town Massive- Some Biographies

Errol Douse- Age 32-Height 5'5", slim build, bearded. Born in Lester district, Westmoreland. Came to Kingston and started driving for a man called Stafford. Stafford was shot and killed by gunmen two years later. His wife accused Douse of robbing him and took away the taxi and gave her brother to drive. Douse stayed around, getting short driving stints then went and joined Cassius's forces in his war with Shadow. When Cassius was shot and killed by unknown assailants, he went to May Pen. He was working in a shop. Hortense saw him down there. She knew him when she used to take his taxi when her car was in the garage. She invited him to come to Kingston to drive one of her taxis. They soon became lovers. Hortense had another lover, Shorty Paul. Douse soon gave up driving for her in order to avoid war with Shorty Paul. He went to drive for his friend, Albert. Shorty Paul accused him of robbing Hortense and came after him with a knife and Douse slashed him up. Bobby Deacon-Age 31- Short and Muscular man-Originated from Old Harbour in St. Catherin. Operated his own business for a time. Had to fight against extortionists-left to try his hand as an extortionist. Was accused by two Chinese businessmen of trying to extort them and sentenced to two years. In prison he met Errol Douse. Came out of prison and started operating in Shadow' area.Began carving out territory that Shadow no longer controlled. Shorty Paul Grant-Age 35-Led a small crew that specialised in car jackings, hold-ups and small kidnappings. Shory Paul was along with Hortense. He was her right hand man and managed one of her stores. He also dealt with the extortionists. He got jealous when Hortense began transferring her love from him to Douse. He attacked Douse and got slashed up. He has sworn to kill Douse for what he did to him. Norris Digger Lobban-Age 38-Honed his gun fighting skills as a 15 year old in 1980. Became a hit-man after that. Operated between Kingston, Montego Bay, London and New York. He was dragged before the courts on murder charge on numerous occasions, but was freed when witnesses failed to show up. He is known to have a lot of women and children. He was involved in the shooting death of two policemen in South Parade in Downtown Kingston in 1983. He was again freed by the courts when no witnesses showed up. Shadow-Age 63-1970s-1990s bad man and known hit man. Became area lader after Phantom's untimely death. Has numerous children. Was hauled befoe the courts on numerous occasion but was freed om each occasion when witnesses failed to how show up. Was involved with Cassius in a turf war that led to several deaths. He became top Don when Cassius was brutally murdered by unknown assailants in 1999.


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