Here are some more of my short stories plus the number of words in the story: The Iniquity Workers 3253, The Magic Marble 1162, The Marijuana Thief 1572, The Millionaire Returns 1109, The Money Vault 4149, The Mother River 891, The Night Burglar 1236, The Pablo Morris Story 1549, The Robber Gamblers 1027, The Running Away Man 2120, The Story of Dally Grey 3559, The Story of Dixie Jonas 4268, The Trouble with the Mc Farlanes 3835, The Young Shoplifters 1 - 3313, The Young Shoplifters 2 - 3046, Three Times a Loser 1043, Undercover Soldier-Chater One 5716, These stories can be read free of cost on payhip, free e book net and other medium.


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