MY Publication Past, Present and Upcoming

Books by Austin Mitchell Collection of Short Stories: Bring Back the Good Old Days. Going to the Bushes to cut Firewood, Waiting to Cross the Bridge, Better Days are Coming, Going Into the Hills to Teach, I’m Back From the Hills Now, The Worst is Over Now, Taking a Short Cut Home, Novels: Undercover Soldier-Part One, ,Uptown Lovers-Book One, Uptown Lovers-Book Two, The Downtown Massive-Book One, No Tears for Sonya, Sleeping Love, Hot Nights in the Hills, The Money Found in the Canvass Bag, The Hardest Way Out of Love, Upcoming Publicaions: Backwood Lovers, The Night Lovers, Games Lovers Play (Love Games), Cheating Lovers (Love Cheats), Daytime Lovers. The Marge Vincent Story. The Zenya Bernard Story, Sleepless Nights in The Hills, My blog:, My email:, Austin Mitchell has written more than eighty short stories. He has also written several plays, poems and novels. He had attended several writing workshops. Several of his short stories have been published in newspapers in Jamaica. He is an avid reader of Western and Historical fiction. He also enjoys watching Western & Nollywood and Jamaican movies. He is an accountant by profession. To Find my books just type my name Austin G Mitchell in any search engine.


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