Press Kit-The Night Lovers-Paperback &v= E Book

Press Kit, Author’s Full Name: Austin G. Mitchell, e-mail address:, Phone Number: 18765680692, Website/Blog:, Twitter:, Facebook:, Title: The Night Lovers, Author: Austin G. Mitchell, Publication Date:, Available at: Amazon, payhip, Book Fusion, ISBN #:9798858078975, Retail Price:5.49, E-book Price:0.99, Page Count:170, Number of Words: 51,886, Kindle E-book Asin: BOCDT3GL3J, Paper Back Asin: BOCCCKNZYX, Genre/Subgenre: Contemporary/Romance:, The Night Lovers-Short Description:, When Sue Harper got engaged to Phil Distant, she thought that soon after they returned home to Jamaica, they would get married and start a family. What she didn’t know was that he had two baby mothers and several girlfriends. She was caught in a quandary. Should she stay and fight the competition or move on? To complicate things, her ex-lover, Greg Dixon, is still around, doing commercial farming, but he has a baby mother plus several girlfriends fighting over him.


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