
Showing posts from 2025

Father Christmas

Father Christmas by Austin Mitchell I honestly don’t know why they called Mr. John, Father Christmas. I don’t know if was the colorful clothes he used to wear. Or maybe it was the three piece suits he used to wear along with a top hat. He would dress up especially when he went courting. There was one time we were on this outing to the airport to see one of our villagers off to England. As usual Father Christmas was immaculately dressed. He sat beside a yound lady all the way to the airport. When we were returning we stopped in Kingston to have luch. Lunch was being served aboard the bus. When the man who was selling the lunches approach him. “Me have curry goat, stew peas, jerk pork, ackee and saltfish. Weh yuh want, John?” “A want go a me yard.” Clearly he was hurt as the young lady had rebuffed his advances. He was a thrice married man on the fringes of his seventieth birthday. The young lady whom he went courting was in her late twenties. About fifteen minutes later I saw him eati...

The Old Man and the Bottle(republished)

The Old Man and the Bottle The old man was grizzled. I remembered him now. He was Jake Burnett. He used to teach at Mc Cauley High School over in Keswick in North East, St. Catherine. That was nearly thirty years ago. Jake would be in his late sixties, I thought. “Juicy promised to rent me a room. When we went there the woman was still in the room. But as soon as she comes out he says I can have it.” “How much are you paying for it?” Boyd asked. “Twenty thousand dollars.” Boyd whistled. “That’s a lot of money,” he opined. I don’t think Jake would recognize me since he had only taught me for three months. I looked at him again. He was sitting under a tamarind tree in front of the playfield. His clothes looked worn and his shoes just about to give way. He took a quart bottle out of his bag. It was only half full. Boyd and another man, Justin, were soon helping themselves to some of the rum and boom. I introduced myself to Jake. “Can’t say I remember you now. I’m retired and all that.”...

Run, Freddie run

This book is aimed at young readers. It is for reading and comprehension. I would encourage readers to get hold of a copy of this book for their child or ward. Read about the antics of Freddie and his younger half brother, Ken.

Run , Freddie Run

Run, Freddie run consists of eight chapters. After each chapter there are ten questions on the story. This is followed by several difficult words from the story and their meaning. At the end of the story these words are used to make sentences. The story is fun to read with Ken playing tricks on his older half brother, Freddie. I wonder what would hinder this book from making its way into the classroom. Would the fact that Freddie threw that stone to burst Lewis' head act against it as being too violent? Readers are encoraged to read the book. You can read it on, payhip and free

PRESS KIT FOR 'Run, Freddie run'

Press Kit, Full Name: Austin Mitchell, e-mail address:, Phone Number: 18765680692, Website/Blog: stredwick.blockspot.,\ Twitter: Facebook: Title: Run Freddie, Run Author: Austin Mitchell Publication Date: soon Available at: Amazon, payhip, Book Fusion ISBN #: Retail Price:0.99 Page Count: Number of Words: Genre/Subgenre: Educational/Humor Blurb: Freddie had to run from school because of what he had done to another boy. Now a couple months later the same boy along with others are running him down to beat him for having passed the Common examination Entrance while they failed.


It's frightening to know the amount of nicknames ordinary Jamaicans go by. Yet many show no sign of resentment. If you look too tall you're likely to be called Tallman, Longman or Lenky, too short, Shortman, Shorty or Shortboss. If you look too white, you might be called Whitey, too black, Blacka or Blacks, too brown, Brownman, too yellow, Yellowman. It might be a shortened form of your surname or christian name or it might br it might be a handicap. If you're Indian you're likely to be so called. I don't know how somee persons came by these pet names. Names like Girlie, Bwoy-bwoy, Mannie, Sonny, Miss Mamma,Benny, Banny, Bibsie, Beda, Babsy and hundreds more too mimerous to calll.


Sleeping Love is arguably my best book.However it has not sold any copies. It could be that it needs a better book cover. Readers could try reading a few pages. It is quite an interesting book.