It's frightening to know the amount of nicknames ordinary Jamaicans go by. Yet many show no sign of resentment. If you look too tall you're likely to be called Tallman, Longman or Lenky, too short, Shortman, Shorty or Shortboss. If you look too white, you might be called Whitey, too black, Blacka or Blacks, too brown, Brownman, too yellow, Yellowman. It might be a shortened form of your surname or christian name or it might br it might be a handicap. If you're Indian you're likely to be so called. I don't know how somee persons came by these pet names. Names like Girlie, Bwoy-bwoy, Mannie, Sonny, Miss Mamma,Benny, Banny, Bibsie, Beda, Babsy and hundreds more too mimerous to calll.


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