My Stories

I want my readers to know that most of my stories are true. Maybe I've twisted them a bit that if the actors read them they wouldn't recognize themselves. Most of the characters are dead. A lot of these stories were told to me by mt grandmother. She also told me that she once lived in a community where the men would go out at nights to catch fish in a nearby river. The type of fish she said was in those rivers are no longer there. Maybe it's because the river has been dammed. But our people don't write and I never got around to asking any old timers from her village to verify her story. For example in Son Tai's Murder, the man who killed him actually returned from prison. I saw him about the place a few times. There are so many stories to be told but when we live in an oral society like Jamaica a lot of it will be missed. For example an organization to which I'm affiliated tried to organize a writing workshop and had to cancel it because of a lack of interest.


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