Taking a Short Cut Home

One of my collection of short stories is called 'Taking a Short Cut Home.' It is in honor of all the boys and girls who attended St. Mary's College at Above Rocks and to walk through Cudjoe's Hut to reach home. How it got that name I have never found out. It shortened our journey by at lest two miles. However sometimes we would come through Cudjoe's Hut only to find the Big River(Rio Pedro) in spate. We had to turn back and walk all the way around Zion Hill, a distance of about five miles. Incidentally we had to cross two rivers but sometime one was just a spring. If we felt that it was raining in our area or in St. Mary we took the long way around. When we came the bridge at Zion Hill we could tell if we had made the right decision. Of course sometimes when we reached Zion Hill the river was as calm as ever.


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