Syd Bethune 2

Syd had an intense love affair with a young lady he met at the library. The affair continued for three months. One day, Arlene confessed that she was going to the States to visit her real boyfriend. She assured Syd that he was the one she loved and she would soon return. A month after Arlene left Jamaica, Syd received a letter. Arlene was in fact married. She had gone up to be with her husband. Syd's head was hung low for days. He then got the bright idea that he too wanted to leave Jamaica. To his rescue came Darla Lecky. She responded to his letter when she advertised for a pen pal. In  a matter of months Syd was in the States and married to Darla. He brought her to Jamaica and we all congratulated the happy couple. Of course we did not know of the troubles that lay ahead. Darla had a baby boy about a year late and then we heard that Syd had been shot dead in New York. The full details are still unclear to us.


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