Glengoffe Days 1- A review of the first eight poems

GLENGOFFE DAYS-A COLLECTION OF POEMS_- A review of the first eight poems

1.BEN’S  BACK-We were celebrating the return of our old headmaster or were we? Some students, those who didn’t want to learn were sorry to see Quaco go.Those who wanted to learn were all too happy to welcome back Ben. Thus the words from this poem: 'We were sad, we were glad.'

2.IN THE CANEFIELDS-I’m looking back at my days in the canefields and regretting that those days are no more nor are many of the older folks.

3.GIVE US BACK OUR NAMES-Why did the people who came to the West Indies and the Americas as slaves, lose their surnames?

4.STOP THE RAINS-We are always praying for rain especially during a drought. However because of the fragile nature of our environment we can’t have too much of it.

5.CRICKET IN THE ROAD-Oh, how we loved the game of cricket. As a youngster I use to play the game every day. I still believe that it is the greatest game of them all.

6.LAMENT OF THE TAINO MAN-Who were the Tainos?These were the people, Columbus met when he first came to Jamaica. This ancient Taino is lamenting the destruction of his people by these foreigners.

7.THE TRAMP AND THE STORM-A tramp is caught in a storm

8. THE HIGGLERS-A poem about the contribution of the higglers from my district.

BOOK is available on Create Space and


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