Undercover Soldier-Synopsis
Undercover Soldier Synopsis by Austin Mitchell Wareika Hills in the 1970’s was a hideout for many of Jamaica’s most notorious bad men. Several of these men work for Gus Mc Creed one of Jamaica’s leading drug barons. Mc Creed teams up with a Miami drug lord. Their plan is to use Jamaica as a transhipment port for hard drus fron South America to the United Stated\s. Bendoo is a Detective Sergeant of police. He does mostly undercover work. He is an obvious choice to go Wareika Hills and infiltrate the gang. He is sent for by his superior and briefed about the assignment. On the way to meet his superior he intervenes in a quarrel between Gus Mc Creed’s daughter and his foster son, Fred Billings. The plan is for Bendoo to grow dreadlocks, live in a community near the gang’s base and try to get in touch with a gang member. As luck would have it, some weeks after setting out on his assignment he meets one of the gang members. This man and Bendoo come from the same village but ...