The Downtown Massive -Austin Mitchell-Chapter 2-Excerpt


Bobby Deacon lay relaxed in the hammock in his back yard
when he heard the first shot and he fell out of the hammock  and lay still.
            "The guy dropped out of the hammock. He must be on the ground," he heard one of the gunmen say.
He pulled the Glock from his waist. It must be Shadow’s
fighters, who were shooting at him. He crawled further into the
bushes. Two shots came, aimed at the ground under the hammock. Where were Linkman and Markie? How had they let Shadow’s fighters get so near to him. He wasn't sure of the amount of men
out there. But the two men could not be dead judging by the amount of shots he had heard. He saw a shadow  and fired and heard somebody scream.
           "Hell, he shot me, Bobby Deacon shot me," the man was screaming.
Bobby Deacon fired some more shots in the direction of the
screams and was answered by more gunfire. Then another person
opened up on his position and he heard running footsteps.
He did not move from his position, but he saw Linkman
and Markie crawling over to him.
"Who were those men and where were you?" he asked the
two fighters.
"They looked like Shadow’s fighters, Don," Linkman said.
"So how come they’ve infiltrated so far? Call Dixie and 
tell him to try and head them off," Bobby Deacon instructed as Linkman got on his cell phone.
"He wants to talk to you," Linkman said, passing his cell
phone to the young Don.
Bobby Deacon talked to his chief lieutenant for a few
minutes before ending the call.
"He thinks we should plan an attack on Shadow's
headquarters no later than tonight.”
Markie raised the Ruger sub-machine gun in the air.
"Those boys should be dead. If we don't hit them from
tonight they are going to keep attacking us," he opined.
"Let’s go back inside the house and plan some strategies,"
Bobby Deacon told them.
"Aren’t you going for Delita?" Linkman asked.
          "I am going to phone her to tell her to stay up at her sister tonight," Bobby Deacon told them.
The men went into the house.
“Dixie, Lincoln and Norris soon come, they will go with
us too,” Bobby Deacon said.
When Dixie and the other fighters arrived, they started 
planning the attack on Shadow's headquarters.
That night at twelve midnight two carloads of heavily
armed men left Bobby Deacon’s headquarters.
Shadow was in his bed with a fresh young girl when he
heard the first shot. He dropped off the bed and grabbed his gun as the heavy barrage of gunfire continued.
"Don, some men are attacking us," Winston shouted.
"What the hell, are you sure it’s not police?" he asked,
perplexed as he and none of the syndicates were at war.
             "It looks as if it's those guys from up Walks Road," Buddho said.
            "Bobby Deacon, but he and I are not at war," Shadow stated.
There was more gunfire and then there was silence.
Shadow's cell phone rang.
"Hey Shadow, how come you sent your fighters to shoot up
my base like that?" Bobby Deacon demanded.
"So it's your fighters who were just shooting at us. How they
come to shoot up my base like that, Bobby Deacon?" Shadow in turn demanded.
            "So it wasn't you, who sent those men to shoot after me ?"Bobby Deacon asked.
"It’s Coltrane men, they hit me last night too," Shadow told
"Hey Shadow, hold tight, no harm was done. We have to  
set up some road blocks," Bobby Deacon told Shadow as he ended the call.
If it was Coltrane’s fighters who had attacked them it
meant that something big was afoot. He had to team up with 
Shadow to keep Coltrane’s army at bay.
Shadow had sent the fresh young girl home. He didn't want  
any distractions. If Coltrane's men had attacked Bobby Deacon they might attack him too. Only Winston, Dickie, Vic  and Buddho  
were around. He knew from a long time that Coltrane wanted to be the top Don around.
Dixie looked at Bobby Deacon.
"If it was Coltrane’s fighters who attack you, it means that 
he has started to make a move on us."
"We have to put fighters on the road to watch every Corner.”
            "We should be careful lest we spread ourselves too thin," Dixie warned.
            "I have a good youth that I met when I was locked down.
A youth name Douse. That guy would make a good fighter," Bobby Deacon told them.
The two commanders went out and began organizing the
defense of their territory, ensuring that the fighters were placed in
strategic positions to repulse any attack.
Shadow was also organizing his forces to repel any further
              The attack, when it came was fast and furious. Bobby
Deacon and Dixie were all over the place, giving instruction to the
men as the fighting intensified. Bobby Deacon knew that their attackers were firing from M-16 and AK-47 sub-machine guns.
They were holding off Coltrane's men.
"Hey boy, Bobby Deacon you are not leaving here tonight. 
You must dead," Papa Lou, Coltrane's  top lieutenant shouted.
Bobby Deacon knew that Coltrane wasn’t there.
He let off a burst of submachine gun fire in Papa Lou's
direction and dived as a  volley of heavy sub-machine gunfire 
came in his direction. He saw Lambie fall, screaming and Delhi fall and lay still.
        "Bobby Deacon it seems as if Shadow’s men have stopped fighting," Dixie shouted.
            They were in a building that was guarded by high concrete walls, all around but had no roof.
              Reds, who was sitting on a cement  block, shouted, “Shadow’s men are pulling out, Bobby Deacon."
            "What happen to Lambie and Delhi?" Bobby Deacon asked.
"They are both dead," he heard Linkman say.
"They are getting nearer, Bobby Deacon," Dixie said.
           "What happen to our fighters on the road?" Bobby Deacon asked.
Dixie got on his cell phone to Norris.
"Norris says they can't hold out any longer and Shadow's 
forces have surrendered," he reported.
             Bobby Deacon looked at Reds and heard when the youth gave a scream and pitched forward and lay still. Men dived for new cover.
            Bobby Deacon crawled  over to the youth and examined him.
            “He’s dead.”
            Bullets were flying all around, loud explosions could be heard and dust spewed in the air as the heavy gunshots ripped into the concrete walls.
           Their attackers were getting nearer. Linkman crawled over to him.
"We have to leave, Bobby Deacon."
Bobby Deacon looked at him and said.
           "And leave the fighters, we have to stay and fight, Linkman."
Dixie crawled on his hands and knees over to him.
          "They are coming along Amber Street, Bobby Deacon, they
are surrounding us. We have to get out now!”
"Tell the men to pull out Dixie," Bobby Deacon instructed..
           "We have to leave here, Bobby Deacon. If we stay, they are going to wipe us out,” Linkman said as Norris drove up in a F-150 and they all piled in.

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