Robbery at my Home, 359 Westmead on December 8 at 9.30 pm

Just to report that there was a robbery at my home in Westmead near Garveymeade yesterday, December 8, 2018 at 9.30 pm. I was upstairs writing when they ran upstairs to borrow my phone to call the police. The two guys were leaving and by the time I raced downstairs they had already gone. My grand daughter, my wife, our neighbor, my son, this little boy who lives with us, were all shaken up. One of the robbers had a gun. The police came shortly. The robbers took cellphones, ten thousand dollars from my son and three thousand dollars from my grand daughter. They also took a 49" flat screen television which is what I believe they came for. The police told my wife that there has been a spate of robberies in Portmore recently. I want to hear from my readers. Please visit my pages at Amazon by typing in Austin G Mitchell. 


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