My Works on the Internet-Two

I am Austin G Mitchell, the writer of the following works:

Undercover Soldier(Novel)

Uptown Lovers(Novel)

Bring Back the Good Old Days(Collection of Short Stories):

                1)The Young Shoplifters

                2)Celestine’s Dilemma

                3)The Story of Dally Gray

                4)Son Tai’s Murder

                5)The Inheritance

                6)The Dixie Jonas Story

                7)Bubble’s Baby

Waiting to Cross the Bridge(Collection of Short Stories):

                1)The Forgiving

                2)Spoils from the Hurricane

                3)Examination Blues

                4)The Breadfruit Feast

                5)What’s in a nickname

                6)The Crabtree Gang

                7)Baxter’s Folly

Going to the Bushes to Cut Firewood(Collection of Short Stories):

                1)Christmas Love

                2)Dougal’s Luck

                3)The Big Steal

                4)Never Tired

                5)What’s Wrong with the Mc Farlanes?

                6)The Highflyers

                7)False Papers

                8)The Boy Who ate the Ghost Bird

Taking a Short Cut Home(Collection of Short 

                1)The Incident at Mc Alpine Street

                2)The Stabbing Incident

                3)The Body in the River

                4)Instant Cash

                5)The Story of Pablo Morris

                6)The Running Away Man

                7)I Attended a Dead man’s Wedding

                8)The Captured House

                9)Winning Big at the Races

                10)A Surprise Love

                11)The Millionaire Returns          

                12)The Young Shoplifters Two

                13)The Big Drop

                14)A Disappearing Desroy

                15)Run, Freddie, Run

Going into the Hills to Teach(Collection of Short Stories):

                1)The Money Vault

                2)Miss Della’s Radio

                3)The Robber Gamblers

                4)The Fraudulent Contractor

                5)Three Times a Loser

                6)If you win big Don’t Lose it

                7)The Absconding Boyfriend

                8)The False Bike Messenger

                9)The Night Burglar

                10)Simmo, the Politician

                11)The Marijuana Thief

                12)The False Telegram

                13)The Cheating Gamblers

                14)Children Traffickers

                15)A Dying Quest

I’m Back From the Hills Now(Collection of  Short Stories):

                1)Jack Dillon’s Disappearance

                2)A Suspicious Death

                3)A Case of Mistaken Identity

                4)One Good Turn…………………

                5)The Infatuated Teenager

                6)A Honest Driver

                7)A Whiff of Smoke

                8)Big Dread

                9)The Mad Bull

                10)The Wrong Set of Crooks

                11)Mid-Town Lovers

                12)The Marijuana Peddling Student

                13)Bad Word Cursing Students

Better Days are Coming(Collection of Short Stories):

7)The Amateur Investor and baby father

The Freeloaders(Play)

Life at 21 Lane(Play)

Glengoffe Days(Collection of Poems):

1.Ben’s Back

2.In the Canefields

3.Give us Back our Names

4.Stop the Rains

5. Cricket in the Road

6. Lament of the Taino Man                                                                                                             

7. The Tramp and the Storm

8. The Higglers

9. Washday

10. Market Day

11. We are a Great Nation

12. Going to the Bushes to Cut Firewood                                               

 13. Making Grass Mats to Sell                                                                                                  

 14. Riding the Milk Truck to School 

Readers, please look for my books by going to the Austin G Mitchell pages at Amazon. You can also read my books on payhip, book fusion and many other sites.






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