About Uptown Lovers-An Interview

My friend Witty Brown decided to interview me about my reasons for writing Uptown Lovers.

WB: Why did you write Uptown Lovers
AM: It was a story where Morgana and Bev were engaged to their boyfriends. These two guys, Rick and Brad would arrive from abroad and take them away from their boyfriends.
WB: Did you enjoy writing it?
AM: It was very challenging. I still believe that it's a great book. The book is divided into Book 1 & and 2.Both have been downloaded over 300 times on free e book net.
WB: Do you believe that you would have met more success had you book been published in the USA or Britain?
AM: I believe so and the fact that I'm not a very well known writer or academic. Also due to the fact that my book was not professionally proof read, edited, formatted or had a book cover. It's very difficult for you to get these things done without the financing in place.
WB: How do you see your future as a writer?
AM: I have several projects planned. I might just do novels from now on, rather than short story collections.
WB: Thanks for talking to me.
AM: Thanks, Witty.


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