The Downtown Massive-Some interesting Characters

Read my book, The Downtown Massive and meet some interesting characters. You'll get to meet the reformed gunmen, Errol Douse, Tad and Sam. Douse is being tempted to take up the gun again. Sam and Tad migrated to other countries on false passports. Young aspiring Don, Bobby Deacon, feels betrayed by the old Don, Shadow. Shadow had promised to help him in his war with a bigger Don, Coltrane, but pulled out his forces at the last minute leaving him exposed on several fronts. Four of his fighters are killed and they have to flee to the rural areas. After Douse foils the robbery of a taxi in which he was a passenger, gunmen invade his yard, killing his brother in law. He is tempted to go for his gun and even moreso when a month later on the same men shoot up his taxi and kill a fellow taxi operator.


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