The Marge Vicent Story-Excerpt

The Marge Vincent Story by A G Mitchell “How are you Miss Vincent,” Dickie Reid greeted the nurse that Monday morning. “So, you’re the new public health inspector for Jackson? How nice to meet you.” Dickie was impressed with her beauty. She was in her middle twenties. Her height he guessed to be around five feet six inches. She was very shapely. She didn’t have large breasts. She had a narrow waist and wide hips. He knew from the look on her face that she wasn’t impressed with his looks. He was hardly handsome. While she was copper colored, he was dark in complexion. He was tall and thin. He was in his late twenties. He wasn’t married and was childless. He had already met her assistant Jean Lloyd. Again, he was smitten by her beauty. She was of average height with a well, rounded body. He had guessed her age to be in her early twenties. He had heard that there were several young female teachers at both the high school and the primary school. He had heard about the parties and dances that were kept in Keswick or nearby communities nearly every weekend. In addition, there were fetes and socials being held at the high school. His own girlfriend, Arlene Norman lived in Portmore. The arrangements were that they would spend alternative weekends with each other, now he was not sure about that anymore. He understood that Marge had a two-year-old daughter living with her in a two bedroom cottage at the back of the clinic. Her baby father, Dillon Coombs lived with her. He had heard that Dillon was a player. He was a businessman, operating a wholesale in the town. That Friday night he attended a party in Norris with Camille Coombs as Arlene couldn’t make it. Camille lived nearby and he had asked her. Marge was at the party with Dillon. So too was Jean Lloyd. She was dancing with a man he didn’t know. “So where is your girlfriend?” “I don’t know what happened to her. She said she just couldn’t make it.” Camille was a library assistant at the local library. “I won’t go out with you again. It’s just because my boyfriend is working in Montego Bay. He might even quarrel with me for going to a party without him.” Dickie looked around. There were so many unescorted women at this party. Some of them were dressed quite revealingly. He looked over at Marge Vincent again. She was dressed in a tank top, jeans and slipprs. He wanted her. He knew that Dillon had other women. He had seed him driving around town with young girls in his car. His predecessor, Eddie Boyd, had told him that Jackson was full of young women. During his three years, Eddie had been with a few of them. He was married to woman from Keswick. He continued dancing with Camille. He knew that despite her reservations about her boyfriend, she was available. He didn’t push it mind he turned her off. He decided to drop her home and return to the dance. He saw a girl standing alone and went over to her. “I’m Dickie Reid and you are?” “Britney Rose.” “Why are you at the dance alone?” “I don’t have a boyfriend.” Dickie had to stifle a laugh “You mean, you had a boyfriend but you broke up and you haven’t been able to find a replacement.” “More like that.” She came into his arms and they started dancing. He bought food and drinks for both of them and they sat and ate it. He noticed that Mare and Jean and their beaus had already left the dance.’ They left the party at three o’clock that morning after she agreed to go down to the Hill View hotel with him. He had wanted to take her to the Jackson back road, but she said there was not as safe in the past. There had been a few hold-ups there. One woman had gotten raped and her boyfriend shot and wounded. They spent the rest of the morning making love. They left the hotel at eleven o’clock that morning. *** Dillon had taken Marge home and they were basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Her daughter was staying with her maternal grandmother for the weekend. “Why was Dickie Reid looking at you like that?” “I don’t know, he couldn’t have been admiring me because I don’t like him.” “I think he maybe a secret admirer.” “A secret admirer indeed.” “I don’t need him as a secret admirer. I don’t even know the girl who was at the party with him.” “I understand he has a woman in Portmore.” “I don’t care about Dickie Reid. You have a woman Dorine Peart.” “She is just a social friend of mine.” “That’s not what I hear. People have seen the both of you leaving both the Hillview and the River Road hotels.” “I have never been to either of those hotels with Dorine.” “And I suppose you and Deanne Dixon are not friends?” “Just like Dorine, she’s a social friend.” “Dillon, you’re such a blatant liar. I’ve seen you driving around with those two girls. I’ll soon start closing my legs to you, so that you can go to them when you want a woman.” “You’re just listening to rumors.” “You’re just full of promises. It’s about two years now you promised to be engaged to me but nothing has happened. My mother is down on me to get married and start a family. I’m even thinking of migrating because they need nurses abroad. If I was to think seriously about migrating I would like to get married before I leave. If you’re not serious I have t look another man. I might even consider Dickie Reid. He’s not the most handsome man in the world but if we have children, I think they will look just fine.” “He’s not the most handsome man in the world, is an understatement. You mean he’s ugly. If a beautiful girl like you marry Dickie and your children come looking as ugly as he is, you have nobody to blame but yourself. Most women I know hate his guts. He doesn’t have a good reputation with them. When he was stationed in Keswick he practically live at the Hill View hotel.” “You’re just exaggerating things to make him look bad. And he isn’t all that ugly.” “So, you like him, go ahead and marry him. He loves young girls. He’s probably at the hotel with a woman right now. I heard that he frequented both the Keswick and Jackson back roads with women.” “It’s obvious that you don’t like him.” “He isn’t a good person. Aren’t you going to do it again?” “In the morning, we have time, don’t we?” She turned over on her right side and started sleeping. Dillon soon started sleeping too.   Chapter Two The next day Dickie was at his house when Aileen called him. “Dickie, who did you take to that party on Friday night?” “Since you didn’t come I won’t tell you. And you didn’t offer a good excuse.” “You took Camille and was dancing with her, but you took her home. Came back and was dancing with Britney. Then you took her down to the Hill T hotel to sleep with you.” “You had somebody spying on me.” “I won’t attend any more parties with you. You can go back to Britney and leave me alone.” “You’re to blame, when I want you with me you’re always somewhere else.” “Don’t blame me for you sleeping around. By the way it’s all over the place that you and Marge Vincent are lovers. I understand that Nollis has heard and is ready to burst a vein in his head.” “I’ve heard the rumor, but it’s just not true,” he said and ended the call. An hour later his cell phone rang. Marge Vincent was on the line. He wondered what she wanted. Maybe she was leaving Nollis and wanted him to tell her what to do. “Ever since you came up here there has been this rumor that you’re sleeping with me. Were you the one who started it? I know you wouldn’t mind if it was true. You haven’t done anything to quell the rumors.” “I’m not the one who started it, nor spreading it. My woman even asked me about it and I told her that it wasn’t true.” “If Dillon hears about it he’ll be very angry.” “Why should he be angry when he knows that they are nothing more than rumors?” “He says that you have a bad reputation with women. Is that true?” “Of course not, I don’t know where he got that from. Will you be coming to the part tonight?” “Sure, Dillon and I will be coming.” “So can I dance with you?” “Dillon won’t allow it.” “Why not, we would just be dancing. I don’t see why he would object.” “You will be coming, so why not bring your woman and dance with her. What’s so special about dancing with me?” “Because, you’re special kind of person.” “Are you trying to flirt with me?” “No, just telling you the truth.” She laughed. “If your woman comes to the party with you she won’t want you to dance with any other woman,” she said and ended the call. After being rebuffed by Marge, he decided to call Jean Lloyd. He was on her veranda when her cell phone rang,…………. Dickie was on the line. “Will you be at the party tonight?” “Sure, I’ll be there but with my boyfriend.” “Can I dance with you?” “You’ll have your girlfriend with you. Why would you want to dance with me?” “Just a matter of courtesy. When people go to parties, they don’t necessarily spend the whole night dancing with one person.” “My man doesn’t want me to dance with anybody else but him.” “My girlfriend is quite liberal. She wouldn’t object to me dancing with you.” “Dickie, the answer is still no. Maybe you can try Marge. There is a big rumor out there about you and her.” “That’s all it is, a baseless rumor.” “Tell that to Dillon. I heard that he’s fit to be tied, ” she said and ended the call. *** Dickie was about to enter the party when Dillon came over to him. “Dickie Reid, I hear that you are calling up my woman’s name, saying that you have her eating out of your hands.” “Dillon, I don’t know where those rumors came from. I didn’t start them.” “You have to wish that you were sleeping with her in your dream,” he told Dickie and went inside the party to look for his woman. Dickie and Camille went inside the dance and started dancing together. He saw Britney but she was dancing by herself. She was dressed in a tank top and a blue shorts and slippers. Camille was dressed in jeans, a polo shirt and slippers. He had on sports shirts, jeans and sneakers. Britney behaved as if she didn’t see him. He and Camille were still dancing together an hour later when Aileen barged into the party. “Hey, girl, Britney what did you go down to the Hill View hotel to sleep with Dickie for?” “Because, he asked me and I wanted to, Aileen.” “He gave you money to go with him, didn’t he?” “What business of yours is that?” She turned to Camille. “Camille, I thought you had a man. So why are you here with my man?” “I’m here because he invited me to the party.” “You and Britney. He is planning to sleep with both of you tonight.” Dickie decided to interview. “Alaine, go home and cool off. You’re just talking a lot of foolishness.” “I’m not going home and you can’t make me.” He saw Camille going through the gate. He was just in time to see her getting into a taxi. He shouted at her, but the taxi drove away. He returned inside frustrated. Aline was still dancing by herself as was Britney. He returned outside and sat in his car. Half an hour later Aileen came out of the dance. She paid him no mind when he called to her. She simply jumped into taxi which sped away. He returned inside the dance. Nollis was still there dancing with Marge and Jean with her boyfriend. At first he didn’t see Britney after a while he saw her in a corner sitting on a small bench. He went over to her. She didn’t turn around when he touched her. “Britney, are you all right?” She turned around. “Are you all right, Dickie? Where are Aileen and Camille?” “They’ve gone home.” “Is it true that you planned to sleet with me and Camille tonight.” “Of course not, Aileen was just speculating. Do you want anything to eat or drink?” She told him what she wanted to eat and drink. He went and bought food for both of them. He brought them back and they sat and ate it. “I like you a lot, Dickie, but I don’t want Aileen to accuse me of taking away her man.” “Aileen and I had this arrangement that we’d spent alternative weekends at each other’s house, but she not doing that so what does she expect me to do? I’m at the point of dropping her.” “Is it because you’re looking Marge or is it Jean Lloyd?” “Neither of those women and I are friends.” When they finished eating and drinking, she came into his arms and they started dancing. They left the party at around two o’clock that morning and went to the River Road hotel. Dickie took her two times that morning, she climaxed both times digging her nails into his back and thrashing around on the bed as she rode out the climax. She cooked a big breakfast for him and they sat and had it. She said she had to go home to her daughter. He asked her how old she was and she said two years, but her mother was keeping her. She said she worked in Linstead as a counter clerk in a pharmacy. He dropped her home and was relaxing on his verandah when Marge called him. “Dickie, you brute, I knew that you were no good. You had three women fighting over you. I suppose you went to sleep with Britney? Aileen said you planned to sleep with Camille too. You’re a no good, Dickie Reid.” “You’re going on as if Dillon is much better than I am.” “I didn’t say so, but no girls were fighting over him last night though,” she said and ended the call. Half an hour later Jean Lloyd called. “Worthless Dickie Reid, you alone have three women fighting over you. I suppose you went to sleep with Britney. Aileen said you planned to sleep Camille too last night. Is that true?” “Yes, I slept with Britney last night. It was jealousy why Aileen was behaving that way.” “I’m afraid of you. Dickie. I don’t want any girl to attack me,” she said and ended the call. These storie will soon be available. Readers please keep checking the blog.


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