Press Kit-The Worst is Over Now

Press Kit Full Name: Austin Mitchell e-mail address: Phone Number: 18765680692 Website/Blog: Twitter: Facebook: Title: The Worst is Over Now Author: Austin Mitchell Publication Date: Available at: Amazon, payhip, Book Fusion, ISBN #: 9871653456621a Retail Price: US $ 0.99 Page Count: 100 Number of Words: 26,410 Genre/Subgenre: Collection of Short Stories/Action/Suspense Short Summary of Stories: Dallus’ Gun-I heard some men plotting Dallus’ murder. My friend, Fred, saw a different set of men running from his house after his murder. So who really killed Dallus? Read further in Dallus’ Gun. The Break In-What did these men want the old, useless cadet guns for? Read further in the Break In. The Big Storm- The family of returning residents had been warned not to build their house on the river bank. Yet they stubbornly refused to heed the warnings of the villagers. Read about what happened to them in the Big Storm. The Weedmen- Weedmen were locked in disputes over stolen weed that they couldn’t unite to fight the real danger, crooked policemen. These crooked policemen were intent on raiding their fields and reaping their crops. Read further in The Weedmen. Sleeping Love-Konya had tried not to get into a relationship with Denver Tracey as he had too many women. Now she was trapped in a relationship with this player. How will she get out or does she want out? Read the first chapter of another enthralling story.(now a novel) Of Highwaymen, Cutthroats and Robbers-Read the story about the struggles of the villagers in the mid 1900s to reach three of the main towns on Jamaica’s south coast, to sell their produce and reach back home safely because of the dangers posed by these highwaymen. All told, in Highwaymen, Cutthroats and Robbers. The Magic Marble-The magic marble had passed through the hands of three boys. Two of them had a fault which would make all three of them lose the marble. Read further in The Magic Marble. The Mother River- The people of Dunklet through which the Mother river flowed, were warned as to how to treat the river. But outsiders were coming in and offering them all sorts of temptations. Read the full story in the Mother River. The Romantic Hatmaker- Collie was as nimble on his feet as he was with his speech. Until one day he realized that he talked too much and maybe he was too nimble with the ladies. Read the full story in the Romantic Hatmaker. The Hardest Way Out-Debra Menzies was a beautiful temptress with many lovers. She loved money and her lovers were only too willing to fork it out for her favors. Two men got into a fight over her, the repercussions of which led to several break-ups(now a novel-The Hardest Way out of Love) The Gun Toting Shopkeeper-Wes was always on edge. He had shot and killed four men before. All except one were under suspicious circumstances, but he had managed to get off those charges. He was now receiving stolen goods from some hard looking characters. Another group of tough looking men were riding through the area and were demanding protection money from him. Read the full story in the Gun Toting Shopkeeper. Ambushed in the Night-Man and his friend are ambushed on their way home from a set-up. His friend is shot dead and the body taken away by his killers. This led to speculation that the dead man’s friend did the killing before robbing him and hiding his body. Read the full story in Ambushed in the Night. A Little Bit of History- A look back at Glengoffe and surrounding communities in the nineteen sixties and seventies.Though by no means exhaustive we get to look at many of the inhabitants of these communities.


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