Press Kit-Daytime Lovers

Press Kit, Full Name: Austin G. Mitchell, e-mail address:, Phone Number: 18765680692, Website/Blog:, Twitter: Facebook: Title: Daytime Lovers, Author: Austin G. Mitchell, Publication Date: Available at: Amazon, payhip, Book Fusion,, ISBN #: 9798785515673, Paperback Retail Price: 4.15, E-Book Price : 0.99, Page Count: 125, Number of Words: Genre/Subgenre: Man/Woman Relationship, Short Summary of Story: Dalton Allen got his mother-in-law, Miss Betty July, pregnant. Overnight, she disappeared from the community. It was the fastest a nursing assistant had ever been transferred from a rural parish to Kingston. Later, she had her son and was living with a man in Portmore. She told Dalton that she found this man shorty after she moved to Kingston, but the baby was registered in his name. She and Dalton are still carrying on a steamy affair. But is she hiding something from him? And what will her new man, Roy, do when he finds out that she has been cheating on him?


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