THE NIGHT LOVERS-SYNOPSIS BY AUSTIN G MITCHELL, When Sue Harper returned to Jamaica, she had one thing on her mind and that was to get married to her fiancĂ©, Phil Distant as soon as possible. They had gotten engaged nine months ago. Both of them were accountants and got jobs at the same firm. Sue saw her former boyfriend, Greg, about the place. He was doing commercial farming. As far as she knew he had about three girlfriends plus a nurse who was in Cayman, fighting over him. She had no interest in their drama. He invited her to parties but she told him that she wouldn’t attend any of them without Phil as she didn’t want to attract unwanted attention. She and Phil had settled down comfortably in their jobs but whenever she brought up the subject of marriage, he kept putting her off. One of her friends, Jessica, told her that he was a very popular guy around town and she knew several girls who were after him. That made Sue worry even more that she might lose him. Later Jessica told her about a girl, Debbie Eason, that Phil was supposed to be fooling around. Debbie slammed down the phone on her after denying knowing anybody by that name. Phil also denies knowing her. A few days later she asks Greg why he has so many girlfriends. He countered that Phil was worse than him as he has two baby mothers and several girlfriends. Jessica admitted it but said she had to find out the finer details from Phil. Then one of Phil’s baby mothers, Gail, calls her. She accused Sue of being the reason she can’t get any money for her son. Sue had to cut her off. Phil admits to having two baby mothers. They got pregnant for him before he went away. While abroad he worked hard to support them. He is still supporting both of his children. He is not seeing either Gail or Gabby as they are along with other men. He didn’t want to tell her as he felt that it would have spoiled things between them. He denies that he is Debbie’s baby father. He was along with her before he went away but not since he returned. Sue is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. She is wondering if it would make sense getting married to him or even staying engaged to him since he has so much baggage carrying. In the meantime, Greg is still carrying on with his women, Harlene, Deanne, Reta and Merryll. Merryll has returned home on at least two occasions and Greg has abandoned the others just to be with her. Sue knows that it would be a hopeless case her leaving Phil for him. Then one night after a party in town she went to Phil’s apartment with him only to find a girl, Barbara, there waiting on him. Sue is astounded, but Phil denies being in a relationship with her. He says that she is just a casual friend of his. Sue scoffs at his explanation and wonders why a woman would be visiting him at this time of the night. Before Barbara leaves, she tells Phil to call her as soon as he reaches back from dropping Sue home. Sue is infuriated and they quarrel all the way home. After that Barbara keeps pestering her to leave Phil alone. Sue tells her that she has invested too much in Phil to just give him up like that. He is now seeing another woman, Carlene. He used to see her before he went away. Greg is also seeing another woman, Judith. Phil is getting exasperated if not downright jealous because at every party they attend, Sue has to dance with Greg. His girlfriends too are quarreling with her. Sue says that they taught each other to dance and all she is doing was dancing with her former boyfriend. But is any of that really true? My books are available on Amazon, payhip, book fusion, draft2digital,, good reads, etc.


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