
A couple weeks ago I was surprised when my bank called to inform me that my account with them had been cloned. I immediately went to a branch of the bank to learn the details. The clerk told me that all the banks were being affected. They had left only a small amount in the account. The bank agreed to refund me the entire amount. I remembered two of my former colleagues telling me not to send their pay to their account as it had been cloned. That was probably about five years ago. It seems that these scammers and fraudsters are having a field day. The clerk told me that she wasn't sorry for thieves. These guys could have caused me real embarrassment by cleaning out my account. I could have gone to the pharmacy or the supermarket bought goods and tendered my card only to be told that these is no cash. I think that what we need are more close circuit television in all the main town centers in the island. Nevertheless since it was the bank who called me I suppose they might have been onto these fraudsters. I just hope that they are caught. If the banks know the methods these fraudsters use then they should inform their clients. Please visit the Austin G Mitchell pages at Amazon for a look at my books.


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