Partner Draw

In one of my posts where my account was cloned, it brought me back to how people saved their money when I was a little boy. My mother and grandmother used to throw a partner with a man called Harold Wilson. He ran the biggest partner in our village with dozens if not scores of persons in it. I never head of him being in any disputes with anybody over their partner. One of the things I always said is that Mr. Harold must have been handling a lot of money at the time. This was in the 1950's, 1960's and 1970's. I never heard of anybody trying to rob him or anything like that. At most places I've worked I have joined partners. Some of them ran very well but some have had disputes. Mr. Harold was not the only person keeping a partner in those days. I can't remember the other persons but nobody ran away with the money. Nowadays people still keep partner and I've heard of huge partners being kept in the markets in Kingston. I understand that people throw their partner on a daily basis. Most partners you throw on a weekly basis and get your draw depending on the amounts of people in the partner. Sometimes you will have to give the banker a contribution. People throw monthly into office partner. Theoretically the banker should not have any money on them at any time since persons will always be getting a draw whether weekly, monthly, forthnightly or daily.

banker-person in charge of the partner, he or she collects the money and makes payouts
partner-where persons come together to save on a daily, weekly, forthnightly or monthly basis. Members of the partner will get a draw depending the number of persons in the partner or the number of hands being thrown. For a look at my books, please visit the Austin G Mitchell pages at Amazon.


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