Glengoffe Days -A collection of Poems by Austin Mitchell

I'm very disappointed at readers reaction to this collection of poems. I would never tell anyone that I'm a poet. I've written these poems, the majority of which rhymes but there are no takers. My poems all tell a story. Here is a list of some of the poems again.

Ben's Back-Our old disciplinarian of a headmaster was back and some students were glad while others were sad.
In the Cane fields-Tells of working in the cane fields as a youngster. Of seeing my father and granduncles cutting the cane.
Give us back our Names- A poem questioning the loss of most Jamaicans'(African) surnames and the  forced adoption of European names.
Stop the Rains-A poems about rain, we prayed for rains but now want it to stop because it is proving  to be so destructive.
Cricket in the Road- As  young boys, cricket was our number one sport. We played it anywhere and anytime. The only time we weren't playing cricket was when we were sleeping, learning our lessons, eating or going to the bushes to look firewood among other tasks.



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