Some Colourful Characters One

When I was growing up there were quite a few colorful characters. There were men who could drink white rum all night and showed no ill effects the next day. There was one character called Dr. Levy. He was an elderly gentleman who would walk around selling things like camphor balls and other medicinal items. I heard that he had grown children who were all in big jobs. They tried to get him to stop but he refused.  The boys and even some grown men would call him' Mango Belly' and he would rip some bad words at them. This was because of his love for mangoes.
The late Dr. Cardo was another such character. Whenever a local government election was on Dr. Cardo somehow managed to get his name on the ballot. I don't think he got fifty votes in any of these elections.  Incidentally neither man was a medical doctor but knew how to make herbal medicine.


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