Uptown Lovers-Outline of Chapter Two

Uptown Lovers-Chapter Two- by Austin Mitchell

June 6, 2004- April and Stewart are at his apartment. She tells him that Morgana will soon return to the island. She tells him to warn her off and that he doesn’t belong to her again.

Stewart and Bobbette have a meeting. She wants to know how Morgana’s return will affect their relationship. Stewart is in denial mode to both women. Of course he’s lying because he and Morgana have already agreed to resume their friendship once she returns home.

June 30, 2004- Stewart attends Morgana’s welcoming home party and announces their upcoming engagement in September.

August 14, 2004- April and Bobbette hear about his forthcoming engagement to Morgana and confront him about it. Stewart says that it was her mother who begged him to get engaged to her because of what some guy in America did to her. April scoffs at his explanation and swears never to talk to him again.  Bobbette swears never to sleep with him again. April leaves for the States a few days later.

January 21, 2005- Stewart and Morgana are now engaged although they haven’t set a date for marriage. Bobbette has started sleeping with him again. Morgana questions Stewart about April’s sudden departure from the island but he can’t give an explanation.

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