Late for the Exams

I looked up from the examination paper and saw my friend, Barry, just entering the examination hall. Hell, I thought as I looked at my watch and saw that the time was 4.00 pm and we only had an hour left. When the examinations were finished I asked him why had reached so late. He told me that he had seen 4.00 hours on his docket and assumed that the exam would have started at 4.00 pm. He said that he had not been the only one who had been caught. I remembered seeing a girl coming in at same time as he did. This all speaks to exam preparation and Barry had no one to blame but himself. He had gotten a docket and should have sought assistance if he didn't understand the time. Anyway how do you come to a three hour examination at 4.00 p.m. He told me that he thought he had passed, but I doubted that, because you'd have to be a genius to take one hour and pass a three hour examination.


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